Sanders Voters for Trump?

Posted on the 19 March 2016 by Calvinthedog

There are a few but not too many.

I have seen many Trump supporters writing in the comments on articles on the Net. Except in the piece linked above, I have not yet seen one liberal, progressive or leftwing person who commenting saying that they are voting for Trump. Hell, I haven’t even seen a moderate or centrist who says they are voting for Trump.

All, and I do mean all, of the Trump voters I have seen so far on the Net have been rightwingers – even worse, real wingnuts. This is the Fox News crowd, the base of the Republican Party. They’re all Obama haters and not because he’s too conservative. These are the Birthers. The kooks. The crazies. As I said, the base. As far as I can tell, that’s all who’s voting for him.

Apparently there are some left, liberal, progressive or even moderate people voting for Trump. It’s just that I never see any of them. I assume that that means that they are few in number.

If it’s a choice between a rightwing neoliberal, neoconservative and a fascist maniac , I don’t have much choice but to pick the former. I have been voting for the lesser of two evils for as long as I can remember. I usually hate the Democrats that I end up voting for, but vote for them I do anyway.