San Lorenzo

By Thedublindiary @TheDublinDiary
San Lorenzo has been described as a New York inspired Italian restaurant. In Ireland we're more used to kitsch stereotypical Italian restaurants but San Lorenzo is different. It's new and modern, the dining room is kit-out in vibrant reds and blacks with functional plywood wooden furniture. Definitely more New York than Italy!

I just love the design of those chairs!

From the wide array of menus we stuck to the a la carte. He ordered a calamari salad while I opted for the tortelloni to start.

Calamari and orange salad.

The calamari salad was a nice departure from the now ubiquitous battered calamari that's usually offered, nothing wrong with the original but this was a nice change. It was served on a bed of rocket with olives and orange segments. The orange was a new one on us but it was a lovely sweet yet sour contrast to the earthy meaty calamari. 

Velvety and salty! Parma tortelloni. 

He was really happy with his salad and didn't want to share any of my tortelloni, no complaints here! My little pasta pockets were filled with Parma ham, covered in a creamy Parmesan sauce and drizzled with truffle oil. Bliss and decadence all rolled into one! 

Generous baked scallops with creamy mash and crab ratatouille. 

Trying to ignore the lovely toasted bread and peppery olive oil I waited patiently for my main course to arrive. I was rewarded for my restraint with an impressive dish of three (yes three!) scallops on the half shell with mash and crab ratatouille. The scallops were perfect. I'd never had baked scallops before so thought they might be rubbery but these were delicate and light, the other components of the dish provided a nice rich counter balance.

Chicken on a bed of creamed sweetcorn

Himself was impressed with his main too. His free range char-grilled chicken was accompanied by some outstanding creamed sweetcorn and glazed carrots. It's very rare that he comments on the vegetables before the meat but these got two big thumbs up! 

Vanilla, salted caramel and chocolate fudge. 

This was our fourth restaurant meal in as many days and given our overindulgence we probably should have stopped there but we didn't! He went for the ice cream while I went for a creamy chocolate mousse concoction made with Lindt chocolate. The ice cream was really delicious, the chocolate fudge got special attention from himself and I thought the salted caramel was really good but it melted too fast. My mousse was very, very chocolatey, nearly too much for me, or maybe I was showing the effects of the last few days!

Decadent Lindt chocolate with a light dusting of amaretto biscuit. 

So I have to search for some more negative points to make this review a bit more balanced but I'm hard pushed. I suppose some more variety when it comes to beer would be nice, especially when the restaurant has its own sommelier. Recently in Enoteca della Langhe we tried some nice offerings from Birrificio di Montegioco. Something like that would fit in well at San Lorenzo. Really though I'm clutching at straws here, it was a great meal in lovely restaurant with super staff. Everything I could want whether it's in Italy, New York or Dublin!
San Lorenzo
South Great Georges Street
Dublin 2
01 478 9383