San Jose Mecury News Publishes Online Article That Reads Like The Onion

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

The San Jose Mercury News published an article about a company planned to be spun off by Yahoo named “Aabaco Holdings Inc.”

The article was entitled “Yahoo’s Alibaba spinoff has a new name, but it’s already taken.”

This might be a big deal if the company was in the same business as Yahoo, but the company with the same name is involved in plastics.  A maintenance worker was quoted in the following excerpt:

“‘It’s not something we’ve trademarked. We’re in totally different industries,’ said John Roberts, an employee who answered the phone at the plant late Friday.

He added that, as the maintenance guy, ‘it’s not really my department’ but to check back with management on Monday.”

Since we don’t view any of this as “news,” we have…

3 more similar revelations for the San Jose Mercury News

1. American Eagle Outfitters is not the same company as American Eagle Airlines.  That is why your pilot is not a college kid with an untucked polo shirt with an eagle on it.

2. American Apparel is not the same thing as the American Nation. (Hipsters already knew this.)

3. ABC network is not the same thing as the alphabet, although Disney owns the former, and we’re sure they’d love to buy exclusive rights to the latter.