San Francisco Approves Confiscatory Ban on Magazines Holding 10-plus Rounds

Posted on the 31 October 2013 by Mikeb302000
Supervisor Malia Cohen is the city official sponsoring the magazine ban. Guns dot com The San Francisco Board of Supervisors unanimously approved an ordinance that places a confiscatory ban on magazines that hold more than 10 rounds of ammo on Oct. 29. Those who are in possession of the high-capacity magazines or high-capacity ammunition feeding devices will have 90 days to turn them over to police, sell them out-of-state or render them permanently inoperable. Failure to do so will result in misdemeanor charges. “While not a panacea, this legislation provides law enforcement with more tools to continue to address gun violence and also continues to strengthen our city’s strong stance on gun regulation,” the bill’s sponsor, Supervisor Malia Cohen, told the San Francisco Chronicle. In 2000, the state legislature placed a ban on the sale, transport, import or purchase of magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds, but gun owners who purchased 10-plus round magazines before the enactment of the state ban were grandfathered in. For residents of San Francisco, that no longer holds true unless you qualify for the exemption, i.e. you’re a law enforcement officer, an armored car driver, a museum curator or a Hollywood movie/television producer (these magazines can be “used as props”), according to the law. I'm not sure if I understand what people who own handguns that come with larger-than-10-round magazines are supposed to do. Can a Glock 17 magazine or a Glock 19 magazine be simply replaced with a 10-round mag?