San Diego Sheeple Happily Sign Petition for Soylent Green School Menu

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Mark Dice strikes again.

In this video, the author and political gadfly asks people on a San Diego beach to sign a petition to have San Diego public schools adopt the “Michelle Obama Soylent-Green” lunch menu.

Soylent Green of course is human flesh in the form of green wafers that are sold to the people as “high energy plankton” from the ocean, in an eponymous 1973 science-fiction movie starring the late Charleston Heston.

One after another, the sheeple in San Diego happily oblige Dice’s request, oblivious to the fact that they were signing a (fake) petition to put human flesh on school menus, thereby showing that many Americans not only are ignorant, they’ll sign anything as long as they’re told it’s sponsored by Michelle Obama and is for the good of “the children”.

H/t maziel.
