San Diego Sailing Trip

By Dotchi Latham @DotchiLatham
My son's are back from a visit with their dad. While in San Diego, they got to do something I wish I could do! They sailed from San Diego Bay to the Catalina Islands off the coast of Los Angeles. I thought I would share some of the pictures they brought back with them.

The first picture I got of them together. Don't smile or anything, kids!

One of my favorite pictures! And they are all smiling!

Great picture of Captain Miles

I think I feel my seasickness kicking in!

Beautiful sunset.

Mmmmm, now that looks good!

Both boys on Avalon.

Enjoying the beautiful architecture. 

I forget what this is called but I really love this photo!

Is that a smile? Mmmmm, maybe?

The artwork there is beautiful 

Just chilling at the helm!

Nice picture of the flag next to the main sail.

It's not a sailing trip without a proper injury.

My boys being kids at heart... oh, wait, they are kids.

Mendel 1.0 with the Coronado Bridge in the background. I think that's a smile...

Pepsi and sailing... Go hand in hand.

I'll try to get more pictures up this week. There are a lot of them so I don't think all of them will go up. But I love a lot of them. They are awesome.From The Baker's Acres! Read more at