Samsung Galaxy F54 5G Has been listed on the Google Play Console, where some features of the phone have been revealed. This Samsung phone will be a rebranded version of the Galaxy M54 5G launched in the Middle East. This phone can also be launched in India soon. Like Galaxy M54 5G, Galaxy F54 5G will get many great features including 108MP camera. Samsung is keeping the design of all its phones the same this year. In this case, the design of Galaxy F54 5G will also be like Galaxy A54 5G. Come, let’s know about the upcoming phone of Samsung…
Many details leaked in the listing
This Samsung smartphone has been spotted on the Google Play Console, where some of its features have been revealed. According to the Google Play Console listing, this smartphone will come with the in-house Exynos 1380 5G SoC. The codename of the phone’s processor is written in the listing as s5e8835. At the same time, according to the earlier leaked reports about the phone, this Samsung phone will come with 8GB of RAM and Android 13 operating system.
Will get these features
Talking about other features of Samsung Galaxy F54 5G, this phone will also come with a 6.7-inch FHD + resolution AMOLED display, which will support 120Hz refresh rate. Punch-hole camera design will be given in the phone. Corning Gorilla Glass 5 will be available for the protection of the phone’s display.
Triple camera setup will be available in the back of Galaxy F54 5G. A 108MP primary camera will be given in the phone, which will support OIS i.e. optical image stabilization feature. Apart from this, 8MP ultra wide and 2MP macro camera will be available in this phone. A 32MP camera will be given in this phone for selfie and video calling.
Like Samsung Galaxy M54 5G, this smartphone will get a strong 6000mAh battery, with which 25W USB Type C fast charging feature can be found. However, at present, the details of any feature of this upcoming phone have not been shared by Samsung. This phone can be launched in India by the end of April.