Features and Design:
At first glance, the Avenger controller adapter looks like an overly complex contraption that you just jam on your PS3 or Xbox 360 controller. There are a lot of different levers, handles, and buttons that looks a bit daunting at first. The controller adapter is actually a pretty elegant piece of hardware, that snaps on perfectly to both controller styles. The Avenger is designed to work with your reflexes, by allowing you to use your index fingers to pull off most actions like reloading, shooting, and aiming while still being able to keep your thumbs on the analogs. You can adjust the adapter a bit if you have too, so you can get the best fit possible for your comfort. The design is very lightweight, and it really won't add any extra weight to your controller. I tested out the PS3 adapter, and given that the Dualshock 3 is already pretty light, the Avenger didn't really add any additional weight to it. The design of the Avenger is really impressive, and it's a cinch to setup.

Once I got the adapter snapped on, it took some time to get used to using my index finger to operate the levers and handles instead of my thumb. I suggest you going into a private match or play alone to get the hang of the controllers, and getting used to the intricacies the adapter brings along. If you jump in with the Avenger to soon, you're going to get pwned pretty severely. It does take some patiences, I found myself constantly hitting the wrong lever, which really opened me up for gunfire. After a few matches however, I started to get the hang of using it, and it actually improved my reaction times. Since reaction times are key for being successful in FPS games, it can really help if you're a competitive player. The alternative is spending more than $100 on a modded controller. I guess if you don't want to spend the money, the avenger is a worthy, yet cheaper purchase.

The Avenger Controller Adapter is a great way to get into competitive gaming, and if you don't have the cash for an expensive custom modded controller, then the Avenger is the way to go.
S&S Rating: 8.5/10 @whatsPlay