Set in the near future on a distant, war-torn frontier, Titanfall drops players in the middle of a conflict between the Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation (IMC) and the Militia. The game allows the player to shift back and forth between pilot and titan and to change tactics “on the fly”, attacking or escaping depending on the situation.
EA has also announced a Collector’s Edition which comes with a copy of the game, a collectible 18” hand-crafted titan statue with diorama and battery-powered LED lighting, a full-size art book with over 190 pages of rare concept art, and an exclusive full-size schematic poster of the Atlas titan.
It will run you a whopping $249.99/£249. Titanfall will be made available March 11 in North America and March 13 in Europe and March 14 in the UK on PC, Xbox 360 and Xbox One.