Title: Kairobotica Format: Android Release Date: August 02, 2012 Publisher: Kairosoft Developer: Kairosoft Price: $4.99 ESRB Rating: All
Kairosoft seems to have found its niche in the mobile games business with its strategy sims. What Kairobotica does is similar to some of their previous game's formula, only this has exploration, battles, and lots of robots. Everything is molded together to create an addicting little game that will last you months.
Story/Presentation If you're familiar with any of Kairosoft's earlier games, then you will immediately recognize the cute little robots walking around on your screen. Unlike other Kairosoft games, where the robot is usually the best character you can obtain, Kairobotica has you controlling many robots right from the start. You are the Kairobot Corps, tasked with protecting the universe from the monsters that inhabit it. The story surprisingly goes to places I didn't expect from a Kairosoft game, giving you a main enemy and goal to fight for, but even then the story is rather simple and linear and definitely isn't the main draw of the game. That award, like most of Kairosoft's games, goes to the gameplay.
Gameplay Kairobotica hasa little bit of everything, but doesn't really perfect anything. There are essentially three sections in the game, there is the simulation section, where you will be spending most of your time as you build up the station in which your little robots live in. There is the battle section, where you will pit your robots against monster and gain exp, acquire new items, and complete most of your missions. Then there is the space exploration section, where you will travel from planet to planet helping people with their tasks. Building up your space station is reminiscent of more traditional Kairosoft games. You will build houses, factories, stores, and other facilities all while leveling them up using items you collect throughout your adventures. Once you have filled up your lots (which you will do fast) there isn’t much else to do until you expand again. You also create more Kairobots here which is more of a chore once your robot fleet gets big. This is also your main mission hub where you will turn in and collect all your missions. The missions for the most part are pretty straightforward, usually asking you to go kill a mob then return, after a while they get repetitive tiring, mainly the escort missions. The battles are simple, which is to say you won’t be doing anything but hitting one button in every battle. Accompanying your robots are companions you can collect through battles which is nice but aren’t a huge part of your battles. And lastly the space exploration is where you will travel to new planets. Many of the planets are actually pretty cool, the only problem is going between them is a very slow and arduous task.
Final Thoughts This game is super addicting, like every other Kairosoft game. If you are a fan of Kairosoft games, or of simulation games in general, I highly recommend Kairobotica. Even with its small shortcomings it still managed to pull me in and not let me go until my eyes hurt. Rating 8/10 @Masjord