Here's a quick tabulation of what I saw tweeted during the 2015
Wine Bloggers Conference.
Informational Tweets
"Worst compliment," according to Christopher Bates, "This is really good for New York wine." @WineBloggersCon #WBC15— Linda Foxworth, CSW (@foxress) August 14, 2015
"Be your local expert on wine" @amycgross #WBC15— Diane_Letulle (@Diane_Letulle) August 15, 2015
@WineBloggersCon The Business of Wine "you can lead a horse to water but can't make him drink the marketing" #wbc15 @marcygordon 😂🍷— Sarita Cheaves (@VineMeUp) August 15, 2015
"Be brave. Be creative. Be different. Not because you're a woman or a man" @steviekim222 #wbc15 #winedomatwbc15— WineDom (@winedomcom) August 15, 2015
#WBC15 #bestadvice "No one will judge you by the photos you take, they'll only judge you by the photos you show them."— Austin Beeman (@AustinBeeman) August 15, 2015
"Wine blogging is wine writing on a blog." -Meg Maker #WBC15— Linda Foxworth, CSW (@foxress) August 15, 2015
Keep fact to opinion ratio as high as possible W. Blake Gray #wbc15— WineCompass (@winecompass) August 16, 2015
Fun Tweets
Speaking of challenging conditions, how about the Wi-Fi in this room? #wbc15— ToledoWinesandVines (@toledowav) August 14, 2015
"There is no way to understand Malbec unless you understand the Tango"--@KMacWine don't have to twist my arm to study both!! #WBC15— Alleigh (@Alleigh) August 14, 2015
That's what I call a soil cluster f*ck!! #soildiversity #somm #sommlife#terroir #wbc15— Brianne Cohen (@SOMMspirations) August 14, 2015
"The problem with Malbec is whatever you plant it's good. I used to joke it's only for lazy winemakers." #wbc15 #winedomatwbc15— WineDom (@winedomcom) August 15, 2015
"Acid is like a cockroach, it will be the last man standing at the end of the world." #deepwinethoughts #winehumor #wbc15— Ashley Teplin (@AshleyTeplin) August 15, 2015
My shuttlecock is bigger than your shuttlecock ... Wait that's a zucchini fritter. #wbc15 Nice wines too.— Michael Pinkus (@TheGrapeGuy) August 15, 2015
Gonna take a nice little nap because my brain feels like an overly buttery Chardonnay #WBC15— Joshua Decolongon (@joshlikeswine) August 14, 2015
@DamianiWine fav quote of the day on balance of oak "Don't want you pulling splinters from your tongue." #WBC15 #flx— Kristy (@eatplayloveblog) August 15, 2015
If this woman doesn't belong in the "Hot Shop," I don't think anyone does. #WBC15 @VinoNoire— Bob Halifax (@2001bottles) August 15, 2015
It's all fun and games at #WBC15 until you get a corkscrew in your side.— Odd Bacchus (@OddBacchus) August 15, 2015
Did I Tweet That Out Loud?
#WBC15 Fun police! 'Party's over ya drunken bahsteds! Get to yer beds. Good Christians are tryin' to sleep!' ⏳BK— The Vineyard Trail (@VineyardTrail) August 15, 2015