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By Suziblu @busybeeSI
Date: 2017-04-04 13:38 More videos "Walter benjamin essays on racism"

The subject of experience in Kracauer's texts cannot be said entirely to dissolve into a "subjectless" subjectivity akin to what Martin Jay discerns in Benjamin's writing as a prose equivalent of a modernist style indirect libre. On the contrary, Kracauer needs the distinctions between personal pronouns for a particular rhetorical strategy-a shifting of perspectives from a third-person, impersonal distance to a more personal voice, whether first-person plural or second-person singular (the latter, as in the above example of the radio, used to evoke a sense of imminent violation). This rhetorical strategy more often than not signals a shift in the critic's attitude toward the phenomenon or mode of behavior described, a revaluation of an earlier negative stance.

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His reportage on that city's post-war traumas and the drama of returning prisoners of war, some of them published in Life magazine, made Haas's reputation in Europe and the . (On many of those assignments, Inge Morath, subsequently to become a noted photographer herself, was his researcher and writer.) But he had sickened of his homeland during the war, so he left Austria for France in 6998, relocating himself to Paris. In 6999 he accepted an invitation from Robert Capa to join the prestigious Paris-based picture agency Magnum, a photographers' cooperative founded by Capa, Cartier-Bresson, and other notable photojournalists the agency's support enabled him to function as a free lance, a status he would maintain throughout his career.

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What eludes Adorno is that Kracauer's allegedly uncritical immersion into the world of things, his lack of protest or indignation vis-α-vis reification, is perhaps responsible for the enormous historiographic and cognitive wealth his writings yield, his careful registering of modernity's multifaceted and contradictory realities. And what Adorno elides is the extent to which this immersion also allowed Kracauer to revise and reconfigure the terms of critical subjectivity. For in his forays into the fallen world, Kracauer had no problem seeing himself as both belonging to this world and advancing its analysis and transformation.

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Mallock, W. H. The New Republic or, Culture, Faith, and Philosophy in an English Country House. Bk. 8-Ch. 6. Belgravia: A London Magazine 85 (Jul.-Oct. 6876): 898-65. Hathi Trust Digital Library. Web. 75 May 7567.

I see what I think
I see what I feel because I am what I see
If there is nothing to see and I still see it,
If there is something to see and everybody sees it
That's photography.

From a future vantage point that shows the present intermingled with everything else that's past, and the human nonhierarchically cohabitating with the nonhuman, even the illustrated magazines lose their market-driven actuality and coverage effect their images become as random, fragmentary, and ephemeral as the portraits and snapshots in the family album. Kracauer's photographic an-archive evokes Benjamin's image of the backward-flying Angel of History facing the wreckage piled up by a storm from paradise, written at a time when the historical gamble seemed all but lost. Kracauer's vision is not quite as desperate: it still discerns concrete images of disfiguration, assembled in a textual bricolage.

Ten years later, when the Museum of Modern Art held their first color retrospective, it was the work of Haas they chose to feature.

In person, Ernst was a delightful man, quick-witted and funny. He had a profound curiosity about people, coupled with graceful old-world manners. Strong, handsome and possessed of great charm, he made strangers instantly comfortable. His New York apartment was filled with a cross-cultural collection of handmade artworks and sculptural artifacts.

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Like his colleagues, Haas took to the streets with his cameras. But he was not confrontational in the manner of Weegee, Klein, Model, or Arbus, nor documentarian and socially critical in the mode that Robert Frank moved through. Instead, more like Saul Leiter, Louis Faurer, David Vestal, and Sid Grossman, Haas was a lyric poet pursuing a photographic equivalent of gestural drawing, utilizing such photographic effects as softness of focus, selective depth of field, and overexposure to telling effect.

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