Sambucus Nigra ‘Black Beauty’ Cuttings

By Alip @alisonpikeGD

Sambucus nigra 'Black Beauty'

I took some cuttings of Sambucus nigra ‘Black Beauty’ back in July and they have been sat on my kitchen windowsill where I have been able to keep an eye on them.  I would like to say I have tended to them daily and they have consumed a great deal of my time but in all honesty I haven’t done a thing apart from water them once.  I keep a plastic bag over my cutting to minimise water loss, then in most cases I just cross my fingers and hope for the best.  Not particularly scientific I know!

As you can see from the picture below they have clearly all taken as they are happily forming new shoots.  So it is time to pot them on into individual pots so they have plently of room to grow.

cutting from sambucus nigra 'black beauty'

It can be a bit of a delicate process as the cuttings are still very vulnerable.  Gently tip the pot upside down and give it a tap, this is what it will look like (I’m getting quite good at one handed photography).

sambucus cutting root system

As you can see they have developed a great little root system and are off to a flying start.  Very gently prize each of the plants apart and pot on into general purpose compost causing as little disturbance as possible.

Water them well and leave them to get on with it.  My love of propagation is definitely going to lead to a plant sale at some point….. what do you think… Pike’s Plant Emporium??