Samantha Power

Posted on the 07 June 2013 by Mikelumish @IsraelThrives
Mike L.

Barack Obama has nominated Samantha Power for the position of U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations.
This is Samantha Power:

She calls quite specifically for U.S. military intervention against Israel if Israel fails to do something or other, but it is entirely unclear just what that something or other is.
Thus, there is no doubt that, like Obama himself, this woman is clearly no friend to the Jewish State of Israel.
According to Karen DeYoung and Colum Lynch of the Washington Post:
In years past, she has written passionately about what she described as U.S. moral failings in Rwanda and the Balkans, criticized various administrations for refusing to “take risks” to prevent genocide and other atrocities, called U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon “disappointing” and Hillary Rodham Clinton a ”monster,” and publicly pondered U.S. military intervention in the Israel-Palestinian dispute.
It staggers the imagination that American Jews would support such a person, but then, it staggers the imagination that American Jews would support a president of the United States that is friendly toward the Muslim Brotherhood and political Islam.
This nomination is entirely consistent with Obama administration hostility towards Israel.  What I find most humorous, however, is the absolute failure of progressive-left Jews to acknowledge the fact that the current American administration is hostile towards Israel.
Do they need to be smacked in the face with a wet halibut?
What will it take?
On the other hand:
Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch, said Power would be a powerful advocate at the United Nations. “She has seen evil at its worst,” he said, citing Power’s extensive writing about the Balkans, “and that has made her deeply committed to trying to prevent mass atrocities, which should be the top priority for the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.”
And this is where I put my sword down for a moment.
This is a woman who called quite literally for the military invasion of Israel by the United States if need be and Barack Obama has submitted her name for the post of U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations.  Yet, left-leaning American Jews, such as a Alan Dershowitz, support this nomination.
From a liberal perspective, Power may have much going for her, except for the fact that she, much like her boss, is hostile toward the Jewish State of Israel.
And this is the crux of the matter, is it not?
The western left is turning against the Jews and we have to acknowledge this, because it is vital and because it is before our very nose.
I do not have all the answers, but I know that we need to acknowledge the obvious and it is obvious that the Obama administration, and the progressive-left as a whole, has betrayed the Jewish people because it is in the ongoing process of betraying the Jewish State.
The western left is forcing Jewish people to choose between an alliance and friendship with our fellow Jews in Israel versus the progressive movement and the Democratic party.
If the Obama administration insists upon forcing that decision upon us then it is a very, very easy decision for me to make.
If I have to choose between Democrats and Israel then I will choose Israel any day.
The progressive-left and the grassroots / netroots of the Democratic party has betrayed its own principles and betrayed us in the bargain.
It is long past time to say goodbye.