The beauty is absolutely clear from the very off-set, despite the fact that, unlike a lot of his singles, there doesn't seem to be a massive amount in the way of structure.
Surprisingly, this track is not so much about how much he loves someone, but more so about how he loves them in the very wrong way and, whilst he croons his heart out, you can't help but weep for him. There's a passion, and an emotion he manages to convey throughout that really will get you going and, if you don't see Sam Smith as one to watch next year, you really do need to get your priorities straight!
There's only so much we can praise about this man, but we're more than ready to listen to what sounds like it is going to be an absolutely spectacular album. 2014 is sure to be his year and, with the likes of Disclosure and Naughty Boy backing him, all the way, we're absolutely certain that he will be our most exciting act for years to come!!
Please note that this song will only be on Soundcloud for a few days and is not available for public streaming - please follow this link for the utterly gorgeous single.