Salmon Panini with Goat Cheese, Kale and Tomatoes

By Krimkus

You'll find more than a few panini recipes in my sandwich repertoire.

However, when it comes to expert panini making, apparently I missed the mark. According to Wikipedia, a true panini is not made from sliced bread, but with "ciabatta, rosetta and baguette."

But since when do I follow food rules.

I'm completely satisfied with a grainy, 100% whole wheat bread. It's healthier for me, and all those whole grains stand up well in my panini maker.

The brands with nuts and seeds are even better!

Leftover salmon mixed with a small amount of mayonnaise, goat cheese, fresh lemon and chopped capers makes a creamy filling for these grilled sandwiches.

I'll add an extra filet the grill when salmon is on the dinner menu, so I'll have leftovers for the next day. But don't hesitate to substitute wild Alaskan canned salmon. It's a terrific choice too.

In my opinion, the biggest benefit of panini sandwiches is that I can skip the added fat I'd need to grill a sandwich in a pan on the stove.

I simply spray my panini grill with olive oil cooking spray, and it makes all those lovely marks on my bread, and squishes it down into an irresistible, crusty, creamy delight.

Missing the cheese? You could add cheese if you like, but you really won't need it. The salmon combined with fresh tomatoes and crunchy kale packs enough flavor to make this a satisfying sandwich without it.

Don't forget to leave me a comment with your favorite sandwich ingredients. I'm always on the hunt for new panini recipes!

Salmon and Goat Cheese Paninis

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