Salmon Creamed With Apples

By Mendeleyeev

We are adding a terrific new recipe to the Mendeleyev Journal culinary pages:

Salmon Creamed With Apples

Salmon fillets without skin and bones – 600 g
Green apples – 2
Onions – 2
Cream – 2 cups
Salt, pepper, cayenne pepper – to taste.

Cut the salmon into fillets.
Apples should be cleaned, then cut in half, cored and cut into slices.
Chop onion into half rings.
Create boat or bowl of foil with high edges – like a small bowl.
Place the fish inside and then position the apple slices between the fillets
Spread the onion evenly
Add salt and pepper
Pour cream over the salmon
Cover with foil
Place on the grill and cook 6-7 minutes until the apple slices are soft

Serve with salad.