Salma & Richard.. 1 Day to Go!

By Claire

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I’ve deservedly given Salma the blogging limelight for the past week or so, because, (in true Salma countdown style)…

1 day to go!

Salma & Richard.. 1 day to go!

Salma, I can’t imagine how you must be feeling I’m nervous enough now and I have 86 days to go! It’s been a real pleasure hearing the details of your day and how excited you both are, I’m sure your musical wedding will go down a treat.. You’ll have to get some videos as well as photos up showcasing your talented friends and ex-bandmembers’ talents!

So this is just a short post wishing you both the best of luck tomorrow, I hope everything runs smoothly; and here’s looking towards your music and laughter filled future together!

And make sure you get back on English Wedding soon to tell us all all about it!

Sally xx