Sallow skin is a condition that causes the person to have a yellowish or pasty depiction. There are a lot of various causes for this skin tone, including genetic makeup and specific kinds of medication (such as high blood pressure). However, everything from your diet to everyday life can be behind it as well. Here, you will learn about what causes the symptoms and why darkly-tanned skin isn’t always the healthiest!
What can Cause Sallow Skin?
Sallow skin is one of the most common skin conditions. It can be caused by an array of different factors, many of which are out of our control. Here we’ll outline some of the most common causes and discuss the symptoms and treatment options.
1. Environment: A lot of what we experience in our environment can impact our skin, both positively and negatively. Smoking, pollution, and sun exposure can cause sunburns, lesions, and even Sallow Skin. On the other hand, a healthy diet full of antioxidants can have a positive effect on skin health.
2. Genetics: Some people are just more prone to developing Sallow Skin than others. Though the cause is often unknown, there’s no reason to be discouraged. There are plenty of treatments available that can help counteract the effects of Sallow Skin, regardless of your particular situation.
3. Medical Conditions: Several medical conditions can affect the skin and lead to Sallow Skin. These include eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea. In addition, various hormonal imbalances and autoimmune diseases can also cause Sallow Skin problems in their patients.
4. Dietary Habits: It’s thought that the condition may have a dietary cause as well. Sallow Skin occurs in people who eat dairy products, such as milk, cheese, and yogurt. To prevent the manifestation of Sallow Skin symptoms, you should cut back on dairy products (especially cow’s milk). If you love them as much as we do, go for skim milk or lactose-free varieties.
5. Cold weather: The condition will often be exacerbated when exposed to certain elements, such as cold winds and freezing weather; thus is why it’s considered a summer skin allergy. When it inevitably comes autumn/winter time, however, no skin harm can be done by exposing yourself directly to those elements instead!
6. Stress: The symptoms of Sallow Skin can appear in both active and passive sufferers. Either way, it is related to over-reaction to stress. So, be honest with yourself, think about whether or not you’re alone on the couch watching Netflix.
7. Vitamin D deficiency: Without a good example here (as of writing) – I’ll just text Lizzie Maran for that. That is Vitamin D. The vitamin’s name should explain itself as well!
8. Pet allergies: Let’s get this out of the way early: cat dander doesn’t make your skin turn yellow; it makes your dog scratch at his paw until he bleeds! Needless to say, if you have a thing for mammals inside an unhappy household environment.
Symptoms of Sallow Skin
If you have a light complexion and find that your skin is becoming more dry, patchy, and generally looking less healthy, you may be experiencing the signs of chronically occurring pale skin called sallow skin.
The symptoms of a sallow skin are:
- Dryness
- Loss of brightness and vibrancy in the skin
- Itching or burning when touched
- Whitening of the skin due to loss of melanin (the pigment that gives color to the skin)
- Redness and inflammation around the eyes, mouth, nose, and other areas of the skin where there is a lot of sun exposure.
There can be many other causes of sallow skin, including:
- Having a genetic disposition toward this condition
- Poor diet and lack of hydration can lead to dryness and subsequent aging of the cells in the epidermis (the outer layer of the skin)
- Environmental factors such as smoke, pollution, hot weather, or tanning beds increase your risk of developing sallow skin.
If you’re experiencing any of the above symptoms, it’s important to see your dermatologist for a proper assessment.
Easy Way to Treat a sallow Skin Condition In no time you will have cleared up your skin condition, as this is a self-healing condition that you are now smart enough not to pick up again and again! Sallow skin is self-repairing with the correct guidance and care from your Dermatologist. For most obvious signs of sallow skin (for example redness), they may prescribe medication including local steroids peels, topical creams, and over-the-counter topicals.
Treatment for Sallow Skin
If you have sallow skin, it’s likely a result of a combination of environmental and genetic factors. Here are some tips on how to treat the condition.
How to Apply Treatment and Prevent it from Coming Back
Anyone can have dark patches on their skin caused by a range of things like sunburn, infection, hormonal changes, and even age. The patches are called erythema pigmentosum, or EP, and they can be purple, red, light brown, or yellow and can be quite large or small.
There is no one definitive cause of EP but most cases are due to some type of environmental exposure such as the sun. If you have EP, it’s important to take note of the symptoms so you can identify any changes that may be causing it and start applying treatment. Here are some tips for treating EP:
-Treating the underlying cause: If you know the source of your EP, you can try to treat the cause by avoiding the environment that’s causing the problem or using topical treatments that block sunlight.
-Using sunscreen: Apply sunscreen liberally every day when outside in the sunlight and at least every other day when inside with natural light. Reapply regularly especially after sweating, swimming, or being in the water.
-Reducing stress: Take measures to reduce stress such as relaxing exercise, eating healthy foods, and getting enough rest.
-Finding a dermatologist: If all else fails, seek professional medical attention.
Avoiding Poison Ivy
The second most common allergy, behind grass pollen, is poison ivy – the plants known as poison oak and poison sumac. Both of these plants blow throughout the summer and crop up in abundance all over the country. No one likes to get contaminated with either plant’s oil while they are on holiday.
Once it gets on your skin, it’s extremely scratchy and breaks out into hives almost immediately, so you have to wash the substance off immediately lest having a rash for weeks in a row — or even worse, begin scarring. And regardless of how shocking it may be to look at when you step back after an awful experience, it will still change shapes as time passes
For individuals with sallow skin, the health effects can be debilitating. Sallow skin is characterized by a pale complexion and a lack of color that is noticeable even under the sunlight stone, pregnancy graying, and wrinkly skin. The sallow complexion may be the result of a lack of colored melanin or a lack of color in general (asthenia). However, there are many other modes by that sallowness is caused. There are several known factors involved in causing this condition.