Saison Dupont Dry Hopping 2015

By I Think About Beer @ithinkaboutbeer

With the 2015 edition, this is the 3rd year of the Brasserie Dupont‘s Saison Dry Hopping being released in the US.  I’ve reviewed and liked the previous 2 versions: Saison Dupont Dry Hopping 2013 & Saison Dupont Dry Hopping 2015.  Both of the previous editions were similar in how the new hopping regimine changed the base/classic Saison Dupont: they both were considerably brighter in tone than the darker/earthier original.  Well, will the 2015 edition keep up this trend?

But what is the Cuvée Dry Hopping?  It’s a special project of  Brewmaster Olivier Dedeycker who takes the brewery’s classic Saison and and puts a popular twist on the beer.  Dedeycker picks a new or special hop that he’s interested in and dry hops the saison to give it a new presentation.  This year, he selected English-grown Minstrel hops.  Minstrels are a cross between the Cascade and Sovereign hop varieties.

Appearance: Hazy gold, off white head, great retention.

Aroma: Earthy, slight tropical fruit tones, grainy, bready, mango, spicy, cracker notes.

Taste: Earthy, white pepper, spicy, hints of traditional saison funk.

Overall Impression: The 2015 version definitely bucks the trend of brightening up the classic Saison, but not entirely.  The minstrel hop has some tropical tones but not the more bright fruit varieties the previous ones did.  There’s a good deal of earthiness, funk, and spice in the edition.  It’s definitely a mix of the iconic Saison Dupont and a new hop.  I’d definitely describe this as much more moody version of the Dry Hopping compared to 2013 & 2014.  As with the previous versions, 2015 is well worth seeking out.

The previous versions may still be available.  According to the brewery, these beers have a 3 year code date on them in which time they’ll continue to develop and evolve.  Don’t be afraid to pick up on of the others and see what they’ve become.

Availability: This is a once a year, seasonal release.  Look for it where other Total Beverage Solutions beers are sold.

6.5% ABV

Disclosure: This beer was sent to me for review by TBS.  In addition, I manage this portfolio  for the company that represents the importer in Oregon.

You can read more Brasserie Dupont reviews on my page dedicated to their brewery.