Saddleworth Sunshine! A Gorgeous Manchester Wedding Photography Blog

By Claire

Here’s a lit­tle taster of one of our recent wed­dings at a favorite haunt of the “Pix­ies The Sad­dle­worth Hotel. All week we’d been check­ing the weather fore­cast, I guess Nicola and Lee had too, and all week clouds and rain drops were promised for the spe­cial day.…but magic pre­vailed and Nicola had her wish come true for an out­door ceremony!

Nicola looked absolutely stun­ning in her amaz­ingly detailed wed­ding dress, by Sottero dress">
Sottero dress">
Sottero dress">
Sottero dress">Mag­gie Sot­tero
and (very heavy) bou­quet with glitzy detail includ­ing a brooch of Lee’s Grandma, a great per­sonal touch.

After the cer­e­mony, the bit Lee had been dread­ing most.… a dove release… all went well, until the sec­ond release when the doves decided they were quite happy in the basket!

Whilst guests enjoyed the ele­gant ball­room and enter­tain­ment from a great vocal­ist, Nicola and Lee enjoyed the fan­tas­tic gar­dens and we did too — for some great shots of the two of them Into the evening the party spirit ensued with some very enthu­si­as­tic dancing!Lots more pics at wedding">

Wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phy at Sad­dle­worth Hotel in the North West — Nicola and Lee

Fur­ther infor­ma­tion and useful links

Call or drop Peter an email for more infor­ma­tion and avail­abil­ity
0161 338 6442
07929 713072