Ralph's Video Of The Week is KYRIE - by Sacrifice & Bliss
Director - John Lucy
Producer - Roger Hany
Dance - Ciara Styles-Rouse
Scenography - John Lucy, Roger Hany
Lighting Design - John Lucy
LYRICS - Kyrie, this loss of life we celebrate,Quests cuore, this choice was made in sacrifice Now we follow our devotion we break out in defence. Kyrie, we’ll strike the heart of fearlessness Quests cure, this price was paid, in pricelessness Now we promise to provide you, a return for your blood
MEANING - The intention of the video is to make reference to the various themes that are sacrificed in the process of worship. It is expressed in a western setting with predominantly Christian symbolism, however it is irrelevant of faith or denomination and transcends even ethical judgment.
It's about the giving of yourself to that which is bigger or greater than who you are. It's about the sacrifices people make for their belief. KYRIE (Hany,Lucy,Sanger,) by Sacrifice & Bliss
Vocals and programming by Roger Hany
Guitars and programming by John Lucy
Development, production, mix and management by James Sanger for Vibey Developments
Mastered by Andrew ‘Hippy’ Baldwin at Metropolis Mastering