Sacred Temples

By Ldsapologetics
I went to classes to prepare me for going to the Temple. They were interesting but of little help when I finally went.
Temple attendance has been the most inspiring and edifying experience I have had. It is a sacred space and it is beautiful every time to me.
There are many reasons to hold the house of The Lord as sacred and truly holy. But every Temple has been built by man. Whereas there are for the most part only two Temples that are sacred above any built by man. Those Temples were built by the hand of God in whatever sense you define that and they are the a Earth and our bodies.
I don't think we should degrade man made Temples in any way I just think we ought to revere what God has made as so much more sacred than what we have made. 
Man made or not Temples are the House of The Lord and are sacred as such. We don't just act in the name of The Lord, we get to play an active role in ensuring His plan unfolds according to plan.
But our bodies are also Temples which is why the word of wisdom is so important. It's a good guide on how to treat and care for our bodies. But the word of wisdom isn't just about what we shouldn't do, it's also about what we should do. 
And why is it that so many among us are seemingly the least concerned about how our country or our state treats the Earth?
In Utah exists one of the largest mines on Earth, you can see it for miles. And in North Salt Lake the mountain side has been destroyed by mining for decades now, all in the name of money.
We have, as a nation, as a people and as a species poisoned the Earth we were meant to be stewards of. We have cause animals and wildlife to have mutations. We have genetically modified our foods as if God didn't know what He was doing when He made them. Man has made himself wealthy and comfortable, but at what cost? These missteps have dire consequences.
If only people pursued compassion, forgiveness and the love that Christ showed us, with the same fervor that so many pursue wealth and power. What a world we could have! Zion in the flesh I would say.