Sacked by FOX NEWS - Judge Napolitano - What If...

Posted on the 13 February 2012 by Freeplanet @CUST0D1AN
I wish there was someone on MAINSTREAM TELEVISION who would say this about the BBC and the red/blue government war game called Parliament, here in U.K.

You bet your life Judge Napolitano lost his job shortly after this wonderful msm rantorial. And you know what, he's leading YOU THE SHEOPLE into 'just voting for Ron Paul even though he might just renege on his promises once he's in office' like all the presidents before him.
What if ALL 'elected' presidents/prime ministers are just selected puppets of 'some other over-arching corporate mechanism that really runs policy on this planet'?
In matters of reporting THE REAL NEWS, where has the UK-journalist spine gone? Oh, yeah, corporate advertising ... the Corporations OWN the newspapers, in the form of advertising revenue. No lucrative corporate sponsorship injection, no newspaper - the News Of The World showed us that.
"Do right by FREE PLANET," that's what I'd say to these spineless fucks.