Hunted Rwandan refugees in DRC in 1997
We are at a point in time where there are 2 types of people who do not see that Rwandan President Paul Kagame is a cold blooded killer.
The first type are people who do not know about Rwanda or Africa in general. While they may have an excuse for the time being, once they come to learn the truth that is easily accessible, they are without excuse.
The second type of people are those who choose to justify or ignore Kagame’s reign of terror.
How many people have been killed in the Democratic Republic of the Congo because of Kagame?
How many Hutu Refugees have been killed because of Kagame?
How many Rwandan citizens have been killed because of Kagame?
How many Rwandans have disappeared because of Kagame?
How many Rwandans have been assassinated because of Kagame?
How many journalists and activists are harassed and attacked EVERY DAY by trolls because of Kagame?
How many world leaders have been threatened because of Kagame?
How many illegal militias receive their support from Kagame?
How many wars have been started because of Kagame?
How many political opponents have been killed because of Kagame?
How many dollars worth of minerals have been stolen because of Kagame?
How many people live in fear because of Kagame?
Why do people such as “Pastor” Rick Warren, Bill Clinton, and Tony Blair refuse to justify their relationships with Kagame? What are they getting?
With the UN Mapping Report of Human Rights abuses in the DRC, why does President Barack Obama still pose for pictures with Kagame?
Why does the US – My nation – pay his despotic regime? Yes, trolls, you work for me!
Why does the West still deal with Kagame?
The answer is obvious – The west deals with Kagame because he is a neocolonial puppet! The stronger nations can no longer colonize Africa so they depend on puppets to do the colonizing for them! The DRC has no reason it shouldn’t be one of the richest nations on the planet, but thanks to Kagame, it is weak. It’s riches are funneled to the west. This isn’t a conspiracy theory. Follow the money. Do you have a cell phone? Where do you think the parts come from? DRC! Kagame is not “African.” He is American – British. He is a puppet – a murderer. He has raped his own land and people.
The time is now – Pick a side. The truth is obvious!
Source: Pastor Tom Hallberg