RWA 2012 Adventure – Day Three

By Storycarnivores @storycarnivores

What an amazing day!

Brian and I spent the morning and afternoon at the YARWA (say it like a pirate!) mini-conference. YARWA is the young adult chapter of the RWA. We met so many amazing people. I sat right next to Jordan Dane and Veronica Wolff.

RWA 2012 Adventure – Day Three

After a panel discussion with agents and editors, Alexandra Sokoloff gave a workshop about using screenwriting techniques for novel writing. I took her workshop in Orlando at RWA 2010 National Conference, and it blew me away. Brian is a film student, so he already knows screenwriting stuff. I highly recommend Screenwriting Tricks For Authors (and Screenwriters!) based on her workshop. It’s one of my top five writing books, and for $2.99 it’s certainly a bargain.

We sat at Sokoloff’s table, and her desire to teach and share just shines through.

Maybe the best part of the whole event was a talk at the end by Simone Elkeles. She is so funny, and so down-to-Earth. She talked about her path to publication and the bestseller lists, and how she fought to get Perfect Chemistry out into the world. We’re going to see her talk again on Friday, and I can’t wait. We got our picture taken with her afterward!

RWA 2012 Adventure – Day Three

After the Day of YA event, we headed to the Anaheim Convention Center for the RWA literacy signing. Every year, the RWA and publishers sponser an event where hundreds of authors come and sign their books for the public. The money raised from selling the books goes to literacy organizations in the host city. So cool. Even cooler because I will (hopefully!) get to be involved next year!

Coolest because we met some of our favorite authors.

C.C. Hunter

RWA 2012 Adventure – Day Three

Robin LaFevers

(Pic coming)

Marie Force

I got my picture taken with Elizabeth Lowell, which made my heart flutter a little.

Jane Anne Krantz and Nora Roberts were both there. We took pictures from afar.

We had a really nice dinner at the hotel, with mojitos and great company in the form of YARWA president Monica Jones and Treasurer Micki Gibson.

The meat of the conference–workshops and pitch sessions with agents and editors, starts tomorrow! Wish Brian luck. He’s pitching his novel.

Tonight, I’m uploading photos with the world’s slowest internet connection, and Brian’s watching this clip of Sandra Bullock in Muppets Tonight. Enjoy! (I’m in tears laughing at him cracking himself up.)