It's still absolutely picture perfect here today ...
... although at the moment there is a distinct 'drip, drip, drip' sound so I think the big thaw is on the way.
Sorting out the kitchen cupboards is proving to be very rewarding, I found these two jars of forgotten about blackberries in alcohol yesterday ...
... and while I was looking for a suitable bottle to strain them into I found this :-)
HOW did I forget a bottle of champagne!!
Anyway the alcohol is now bottled and the blackberries are in a jar in the fridge for having with ice-cream as a quick and very decadent dessert over Christmas.
The cupboard was looking much tidier, so I started on the next one.
And found this ....
... just a little bit out of date then ;-)
What a waste, unfortunately it didn't smell too good so it's been chucked. I'm being really ruthless with this big cupboard clean out, after all if we haven't eaten these things through two 'eat down the cupboards' sessions they are never going to get eaten are they!!
After a spot of lunch I'll be back to work in the kitchen, there's just one final cupboard to do. Alan won't be able to find anything in the kitchen cupboards when he gets back tonight ... he'll be glad when this snow is gone and I can get out and about again and the place stops getting re-organised :-)
Sue xx