Rust Admin Commands

Posted on the 28 January 2021 by Mejoress

Last Updated on 28 January, 2021

Rust Admin Commands Full List – Server Settings, Player Admin, Player Controls, Server Info, and also commands for developers & debuggers

Rust Admin Commands – Server Settings

  • chat.serverlog <true/false (default true)> – true = to log the chat to the console
  • echo “text” – To print a text to the server console
  • env.time –
  • supply.drop – Airdrop command
  • – also an Airdrop command
  • find <name or . for all> – To find or search admin commands
  • say “message” – message to all players
  • server.globalchat <true/false (default true?)> – true = chat to all players
  • server.hostname “server name” – To change the server host name
  • server.identity “identity” – To change the folder name of the server data
  • server.level “map name” : To change the server’s map
  • server.maxplayers <number (default 500)> – To set the max number of players
  • server.port <number (default 28015)> – To set server’s connection port
  • – To save the map and also the player data
  • server.saveinterval <number (default 60)> – To force the server to auto save each (number of minutes)
  • <true/false (default true)> – True = to kick banned or also unregistered players who try to join
  • server.seed <number (default 123456)> – To change server’s map generation seed
  • server.stability true/false – True = enables structure stability
  • server.start – to start the server
  • server.stop “reason” – To stop the server with the reason of your choice
  • server.tickrate <number (default 30)> – To set the tick rate
  • server.worldsize <number (default 4000)> – To change the world size
  • server.writecfg – To write and also save the server cfg
  • init – To load the server cfg
  • quit – To save, but also close the server

Rust Admin Commands – For Players

Player Admin

  • ban “player name” “reason” – You will ban a player with a reason
  • banid <steamid64> “player name” “reason” – same, but previous one is easier
  • banlist – Shows a list of banned players
  • banlistex – list of banned players, but with more info
  • kick <steamid64> “player name” “reason” – To kick a player, but using the steam id
  • kickall <invalid parameter, just put “”> “reason” – To kick all players in the server
  • listid <steamid64> – List of banned players, but with info about their steam ids
  • moderatorid <steamid64> “player name” “reason” – To give a player moderator privileges (auth lvl 1), but you need the steam id
  • ownerid <steamid64> “player name” “reason” – To give a player admin privileges (auth lvl 2), but you need the steam id
  • removemoderator <steamid64> – If you want to remove moderator privileges
  • removeowner <steamid64> – If you want to remove admin privileges
  • unban <steamid64> – To unban a player using the steam id
  • noclip – walk through walls, fly…

Player Controls

  • chat.say – To send a message
  • craft.add – to add something to the crafting list
  • craft.cancel – to cancel something from the crafting list
  • craft.canceltask – to cancel a task from the crafting list
  • find <name or . for all> – To find or search console commands
  • inventory.endloot –
  • inventory.give – to give something to inventory
  • inventory.giveid – check the ids & names at the end of this guide (Link)
  • inventory.givebp – check the ids & names at the end of this guide (Link)
  • inventory.give “item name” <amount> – You will get x (amount) of y (item name), check the ids & names at the end of this guide (Link)
  • kill – Autokill (suicide)
  • quit – To save and close
  • respawn – You will respawn
  • respawn_sleepingbag – You will respawn, but in your sleeping bag
  • sleep – To sleep
  • spectate – To spectate
  • wakeup – to wake up

Rust Admin Commands – Info

  • players – Shows players info (currently connected)
  • status – Shows players status (currently connected)
  • users – Shows users info (connected or not)

Rust Admin Commands – Debug

  • colliders –
  • ddraw.arrow –
  • ddraw.line –
  • ddraw.sphere –
  • ddraw.text –
  • dev.culling –
  • dev.hidelayer –
  • dev.sampling –
  • dev.showlayer –
  • dev.togglelayer –
  • entity.debug_toggle –
  • entity.nudge –
  • gc.collect – optimizes unused memory and also unused assets
  • objects –
  • perf – to Print out the performance data
  • physics_iterations <number (default: 7)> – it should be a positive value
  • physics_steps X – X= number (per second)
  • queue – Shows stability and also surroundings queues
  • report – All spawned entities report (find it in the server’s root directory
  • textures – All the loaded textures in one list

Rust Admin Commands – Oxide

  • oxide.load “file name” – Loads plugin (not ex. lua, js or also py extensions)
  • oxide.reload “file name” – Reloads plugin (not ex. lua, js or also py extensions)
  • oxide.unload “file name” – Unloads plugin (not ex. lua, js or also py extensions)
  • version – Oxide version and also Rust network protocol version

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