While the Untied [sic] States of America is busy removing the Ten Commandments from public squares, the latest being Oklahoma City, and erecting a 9 ft. tall statue of Satan in Detroit , Russia will build the world’s tallest Jesus status on the shores of the Pacific Ocean in the Russian Far East.
And while homosexuals and transgenders prance around in public parades here in America, members of the elite Russian Airborne forces proudly held up a picture of the prophet Elijah in a parade on August 2. (H/t FOTM reader Leo H. for the pic.)
My Comments: Anerica was once thought of as a great Christian nation, and Russia an ungodly Marxist nation. My how times have changed. Remember the unveiling of the statues of Baphomet in the USA? The first statue was in Oklahoma, and the latest is in Detroit. America’s leftists fight to destroy any mention of God, Jesus, or the cross, and the Russians are building the tallest statue of Jesus in the entire world! Where are America’s pastors and churches?
From THE EVENT CHRONICLE comes this article (Your News Wire) A Satanic statue is about to be unveiled in America’s heartland. A church in Detroit is about to do something a lot of churches and religious organizations do: have a statue of one of their gods placed in view for the public. Statues of Buddha, saints, gods, and deities are found across the globe, and accepted without much question. However, there is…
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