Russian Stuffed Pepper Recipe
This post is actually coming a day late, I was having a problem with my server again, and couldn’t post yesterday.
Here is another recipe from Russia – stuffed pepper. I love it for a few different reasons – it’s super easy to make, it’s very healthy ( has great ratio of fat, protein and carbohydrates ), it’s delicious, and most importantly you can make one or two at a time, so it’s always fresh. Meaning I prepare the peppers and the cooking sauce, and only cook 2 peppers at a time while keeping the rest of them in the fridge to cook later. My grandma use to make these when I was little, but I modified this recipe to make it more healthy.
1. Six green peppers ( choose the larger one’s )
2. One package of Grounded Turkey
3. Two Large Onions ( one for the sauce, one for the stuffing )
4. Two Cloves of Garlic ( peeled )
5. One cup of Pre – Cooked Brown Rice
6. Three table spoons of Olive oil
7. One can of Tomato Souse ( with tomatoes as the only ingredient )
8. Two table spoons of Crushed Red Pepper
9. Sea salt
To prepare the stuffing: Mix turkey, brown rice, one onion, one clove of garlic then add salt to taste. Let it stand for a few hours or longer in the refrigerator so all the flavors can come together ( it tastes better that way )
Wash the peppers and cut out the middle making sure there is no seeds, left like this:
Clean the inside of the pepper
Fill a large boiling pan half way with clean filtered water and bring it to boil ( while you are waiting for it to boil prepare the sauce )
The sauce: Chop the other onion and garlic. Cook with olive oil in the frying pan until golden brown.
Cook the onions and garlic until golden brown
Then add the tomato sauce and the crushed peppers to the mix. Cook it for approximately 3 more minutes on medium heat.
Add the Tomato Sauce and Crushed Red Pepper to the mixture
Add the mixture to boiling water. Mix it really well and salt it to taste.
Take the stuffing and place it inside the peppers, you don’t have to cook all of them at once, as I said previously I only make 2 at a time and refrigerate the rest to make them fresh each time)
Place the stuffed peppers into the pan with sauce, turn the heat to low, cover and simmer for 20 minutes. Then let it stand for another 10. ( I know it may seem like I use the tomato sauce a lot, but I promise It’s just a coincidence
If you have any recipes to share please do.