Russian Recipe Pumpkin Dessert

By Tatiannalovingfit @lovingfit

Oct 2, 2011 by Tatianna

The other day I was talking to my friend and she recommended I try her grandmother’s recipe. There is only a few ingredients and you won’t be slaving by the stove all day ( my kind of recipe , it is very simple to make and it’s wont spoil your healthy eating. The only hard time I was having is taking the skin off the pumpkin and then shredding it, which made a mess, but end result was totally worth it.

The ingredients:

  • Pie Pumpkin
  • Organic Honey
  • Organic Dried Raisins
  • Organic Dried Apricots
  • Cinnamon ( I forgot to add cinnamon to the ingredients picture )


Take the skin off the pumpkin, then shred it and place it into the container in which you are planning to bake it.  Like this:

Then add the raisins and dried apricots and mix it all together.  Pour honey on top, depending on your taste, but since the raisins and apricots are already sweet you won’t bee needing that much honey, unless you are a honey addict ( like me ).  When you are done mixing it, sprinkle some cinnamon on top.  Like this:

Preheat the oven to 325 degrees.

Before placing the dessert into the oven make sure you cover it with foil, this way it won’t dry up while baking.  This step is very important!

Bake it for 1 hour.

Healthy, nutritious and delicious Enjoy and have a happy Sunday!

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