Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov May Visit India This Week

Posted on the 28 March 2022 by Geetikamalik

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov is expected to come to India this week, days after visit by Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi.

With war it has finished a month, India on Thursday Abstain at a resolution driven by Russia at the UN Security Council (UNSC) in the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine.

Resolution, which is considered critical of Ukraine, does not get nine votes needed and failed to graduate.

With his abstent, New Delhi indicates that it is not aligned with Moscow’s position.

India was previously abstained at a western-led resolution that criticized the Russian military action in Ukraine. Abstain Thursday reflects Delhi’s new efforts to find a neutral position because it continues to be involved and runs on diplomatic tip on this problem.

A few hours later, India Abstain again at the resolution of the UN General Assembly (UGA) which was transferred by France and Mexico, who received 140 votes support, five against, and 38 abstentions. This resolution is “strong” in his condemnation of Russia.

US President Joe Biden said last week that among Quad countries, India “was rather shaky” in showing his opposition to the Russian invasion to Ukraine. Australia and Japan, which forms a quad together with India and the US, has criticized Russian aggression.

Harsh’s foreign secretary Vardhan Shringla was at the United Nations in New York where resolutions were driven by Russia negotiated. China chooses Russia that supports resolution, which is simultaneously sponsored by Syria, North Korea, and Belarus. India and the remaining members of Unsc Abstain. Unlike other abstaining members, India did not provide a statement about voting.

Russia has asked for voting on the design of a resolution that demands that “civilians, including humanitarian personnel and people in vulnerable situations, including women and children, are fully protected, calls for a ceasefire negotiated to enable the evacuation of safe civilians, Fast, voluntary and without obstacles., And underlines the need for the parties concerned to agree on the humanitarian pause for this purpose “.

Resolution, which does not make a reference for Russian invasion, is one of three in the humanitarian situation in Ukraine which is installed before UNGA and UNSC.

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