Running the Race for Life

By Beautybykaris @beautybykaris


My regular readers will know that I signed up to run the Race for Life in Cardiff, which was completed last Saturday the 22nd June.

As you can imagine I am so HAPPY now that I have completed it, (And in a good time) but the best thing about this run was that we managed to raise £425.00 for CANCER RESEARCH!

So thank you to everyone that sponsored us! (Theres still time for those who haven’t  My Donation Page)

Me and one of my friends I ran the Race for Life with.

When I signed up for this run it was not only to raise money and awareness for Cancer Research, but also to meet my own fitness and weight loss goals. So I decided to update my blog readers on my progress, (Another reason for sticking with it).

These are the links to my previous two posts:

Race for Life Part 1

Race for Life Part 2

So here is my part 3….

As I mentioned in my previous post I had lost 7 pounds, and I wanted to lose over 7 pounds in the final 5 weeks (This was a bit over optimistic with my love for food).

AND the countdown begins…

Week 1 20th May:

This week I did two 3 mile runs and two HIIT gym sessions.

Week 2 27th May:

This week I managed one 3 mile run,  a 2 mile run and two gym sessions.

Week 3 3rd June:

Me and the other group members decided it was probably best if we ran a 10k before the actual run, so we ran a 10k.

I also managed a 3 mile run this week.

Week 4 10th June:

After running the 10k, I must admit I started to slack, and I just had no motivation to keep up the running so I only managed one gym session this week.

Week 5 17th June:

Well it was my friend’s birthday night out saturday and I was still recovering two days later, so being lazy and feeling sorry for myself I didn’t run until the Wednesday where I did a 5k run with a running club and a 4k run the next day giving me a day to relax befoe the 10k.


And finally the Race for Life run was here, the 22nd June! I must admit my motivation had started slacking, but when I arrived at Blackwier Fields and saw how many women were there to run the race, and all the ‘In memory of’ and ‘I run for’ signs it soon put things into perspective and reminds you what you’re running for, (It is quite an emotional day to be honest).

The Race for Life team made it as fun as possible, with a group warm up and the ‘Cancer Slam’ dance, (Look it up on youtube) – unfortunately it decided to chuck it down with rain at this point, (Luckily I wasnt in white).

The run was meant to start at 10am and I think we started about 5 past, with the amount of women participating the run got off to a slow start. It wasnt until about 3-4k that the runners (Well I was in the joggers section really) started to split up and you could set your pace properly.


I said before we did the run I would like to do it within an hour, and I remember at around 9k seeing the finish line and hearing someone shout 56 minutes. I said to my friend we have 4 minutes we can make it!

We didn’t I came in at 61 minutes! I am still very happy with that time, and cant believe how much money we have raised! And to top that off I have now lost 12 pounds all together!


Lots of Love,

KB xx