Happy Friday – any big plans? I’m going to the local high school football game tonight because I like to try to pretend I am in Friday Night Lights. I just hope I don’t wind up pregnant, in a fight, or doing something under the bleachers I will regret.
It doesn't happen that often, but don’t you just love it when someone does something for you and they don't want to be paid, complimented, stroked or given any other kinds of favors in return?
This happens every once in awhile – like I’ll be at the Starbucks drive thru and the person ahead of me will buy my coffee. More often than not, however, it’s the opposite. Someone will rush to get ahead of me in line, or ignore me when I say hello or beat me up in a dark alley. Probably the reason it doesn’t happen to me more is I don’t do it for other people all that much. Yeesh! I’m such a selfish turd.
So, I thought it was such a nice gesture when Calee from Life Plus Running took the initiative to create these amazing graphics based on a post I did a few months back after my cousin Sherry was killed while running.
I just love how she made these graphics colorful, simple, to the point and eye catching. Calee also did a post on boring me and these tips this week and you can find it HERE.
I’d love to get the word out even more about running safety. So, if you feel so inclined, please “pin” one or both by clicking the pin button at the end of this post.
Do you follow one or all of these tips? I try to, but I haven’t yet taken a safety defense class. I also do still run with ear phones.