Running: London Baby!

By Mpartyka @mpartyka2
Hello friends,
I feel like the little boy who cried wolf as I write this post.  I have completed over a dozen marathons, more if you count the solo marathons (prepping for an ultra). I'm think I'm done marathoning...
NYC marathon (2014): When I signed up for NYC, I promised my husband it would be my last one. I thought to myself, what a great way to end the marathon distance.  The training season was uneventful (no injuries).  The weather on race day played a major factor: 15-25 MPH winds, with frequent gusts over 40MPH.  I will never forget being blown midstride several times, as I crossed the Verrazano bridge. 
About a week after the run, I told someone that if I had an opportunity to run the London Marathon  I would do it.  Mostly as a way to visit the city.  Would you believe me if I told you I have only spent 36 hours in London?
April 24, 2016: I will be in London! 

My 20 week training program kicks off this week.  My first long run will be one of my favorite runs, along Lake Geneva.  With the Noel festival underway.  I'm planning to end my 8 miler at the hot cocoa stand, and will take the bus back to Vevey.
Training Program: I'm planning to use the same plan I did for NYC, provided by AMR, along with a little help from a running coach.
Goal: Make it to the start line with strong legs (no injuries please).  I will train for a 4:10-15 marathon finish. 

Let me know if you have you picked a fitness challenges for 2016, I would love to cheer you on!
Eat well, rest up, and treat your body kindly.
Much love, Mari