Running and Remembering

By Brisdon @shutuprun

Thank you so much for everyone who got out and ran in memory of Sherry today. Although the Boulder run was really small, I know hundreds of you were running all across the nation (and world) today!! (here’s just a small snapshot)

Billings, MT ran the story HERE. And, looks like a good turnout as shown in this video.

A remarkable story I read today was about how two women, strangers at this time last year, met during the Run for Sherry and became the best of friends and running partners. The story is called, Runner’s Tragedy Had Silver Lining.

Unlike last year, today was sunny and amazingly gorgeous.

Yes, my dad is being rude and has his back to you but that is only because he wore the bib on his back like a bad ass. And, that is my mom on the right.

Moments after this picture was taken, that benign and gentle looking Golden Retriever (whose butt you see above) chased the hell out of a coyote and nearly got into a big fight. I guess he was protecting us from being mauled.

Some more pictures from the day:

I think Sherry would have loved this day and this run.

My uncle (and Sherry’s uncle) so eloquently summed things up this morning with these words:

I hope you have a good run out in that sunshine you love. I'll be thinking of you, and dedicating my shoveling (he’s in Boston) to this event that you have created.

You have done so much to keep Sherry and the memory of her connected to runners, and non-runners alike, all over the world, and to create a virtual community of people who are now more mindful than they might have been of our shared vulnerability, and our shared strength, out there in the world we share.”

Yes, I suppose that is the point – uniting in our shared vulnerability and our shared strength.

Were you able to run today? Tell me where.