Run with Me!

By Mpartyka @mpartyka2
I know this is my weekly running update, but I also have a story, a song, and a book to share with you today.
Have I mentioned I live in an international neighborhood? Today I met our new neighbors, a couple with two little boys.  The wife is from Sweden, the husband from Switzerland; their kids speak Swedish and German.  They have two au pairs (one speaking each language), and they are now teaching their kids English. 
I baked the other day, and delivered Cherry Chocolate Chip bars along with a welcome note.  The wife stopped by tonight and told me her family devoured the treats before she got home. 
RUNNINGAre you running with me? Following my journey to the starting line of the NYC Marathon?  I'm finalizing my calendar over the next week, finding interesting runs to join, that give me a flexible starting line... interesting!
Are you looking for a run?  I'm thinking about adding this 13.FUN half marathon to my calendar.  It's a virtual training program, and worth joining for the support. It's a fifteen week program that begins July 7.
Marathon training begins soon - are you ready?!
- I'm running in town a few days a week,letting my legs adjust to unforgiving concrete.  I will mix up my runs so I have the hilly trail/roadside + street lights and traffic.
- Now that I have adjusted to carrying water, with this must have gadget, I need to try a water belt.
- Research masters running (40+), to set myself up for success. 
Miles logged: 45 miles last week, 916 miles YTD
I heard this song for the first time last week, I love the energy and the lyrics are motivating too!

I picked up this book a few weeks ago, after hearing our summit guides telling us about the race to the summit and back.  I wasn't sure I believed them at first but racing to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro and back to Moshi is quite a victory.
Run or Die: Kilian Jornet has conquered some of the toughest physical tests on the planet. He has run up and down Mt. Kilimanjaro faster than any other human being, and struck down world records in every challenge that has been proposed, all before the age of 25. 
Jornet adores the mountains with the same ferocity with which he runs them. In Run or Die he shares his passion, inviting readers into a fascinating world rich with the beauty of rugged trails and mountain vistas, the pulse-pounding drama of racing, and an intense love for sport and the landscapes that surround him.
In turns inspiring, insightful, candid, and deeply personal, this is a book written from the heart of the world’s greatest endurance runner, for whom life presents one simple choice: Run. Or die.