Rumor Or Real? Bryan Singer’s X-Men Universe Coming to an End?

Posted on the 29 April 2015 by Ningauble @AliAksoz

The claimant of this rumor is someone we know from his twitter aphroism. Umberto Gonzalez aka @elmayimbe, suggests that X-Men: Apocalypse and the third Wolverine solo movie will be final installments in the X-Men film universe begun in Bryan Singer’s 2000 X-Men movie.

On one side, with stars like Hugh Jackman, Jennifer Lawrence and Nicholas Hoult ending their tenure with the franchise following Apocalypse and the next Wolverine, now seems like a pretty good time to reboot. On the other hand, X-Men: First Class was probably a much better opportunity to reboot the franchise.

What about the statues of Deadpool and Gambit? Rumor doesn’t raise anything about these two projects.

X-Men: Apocalypse is currently filming and will hit theaters May 27, 2016.
