Rumex Obtusifolius - the Variegated One

By Ozhene @papaver

One of the joys of my wild garden is that it enables plants to pop up from nowhere. As soon as I stopped mowing this top third of the garden, wild flowers of all sorts started to appear. I had wild violets, self-heal, nettles, thistles and dock plants (Rumex obtusifolius) and many more.

Oh and cow parsley, so much cow parsley.

So imagine my excitement as I am wandering around the other day when I find this variegated dock plant. I sent a photo to a horticulturally trained friend who agreed it was what I thought.

I have googled this plant to no avail. Have I discovered a previously unknown plant? (of course not, but indulge me). Is this plant going to be the new 'must have' plant?

Pretty isn't it? I am not a general fan of variegation other than the plants I like it on. I quite often think that variegated plants can look a bit sick. This plant caught my eye because the mainly cream coloured leaf waved at me. "What's that" I thought to myself, "it looks ill". As I looked closer I could see the more tricoloured leaves and I like those better.

I have no idea how much of a thug it might be, but in my imaginary world it is a very well behaved plant and I am naming it Rumex obtusifolius 'leveyii'. One day I will be a millionaire from the sales of this now highly desirable plant* Think about it, pretty and will help relieve the pain of nettle stings - what is not to love!!

*any resemblance to Del Boy Trotter is purely co-incidental

Take care and be kind.