Rufus and Ryan Say Their Prayers by Kathleen Long Bostrom

By Mattnem05 @mattnem05

I received this book for free from prbythebook in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Rufus and Ryan Say Their Prayers by Kathleen Long Bostrom
Published by CandyCane Press, Ideals Publications on September 1, 2013
Genres: Board book, juvenile
Pages: 20
Format: Hardcover
Source: prbythebook

In Rufus and Ryan Say Their Prayers, Ryan leads his monkey, Rufus, through their bedtime rituals, including saying prayers. He lets Rufus know that prayers are talking to God, and are a way of giving thanks and asking for blessings.
About the series: Rufus and Ryan is a new series of board books for preschoolers, featuring Ryan, an energetic little boy, and his stuffed monkey Rufus. The series focuses on religious and church concepts, as well as character traits and development. The text is presented in young Ryan's voice as he teaches Rufus about the things he is learning himself.
In about 150 age-appropriate words, author Kathleen Bostrom brings a delightfully light touch to the text as she provides an introduction to practices and experiences that many children are exposed to long before they understand why. And children everywhere will relate to the idea of explaining their surroundings to a favorite companion as they go about their daily activities.

This is a fun little book that is bound to capture the attention of any little kid. The pages are filled with color, and the text per page is short and and something that young children will understand. Ryan is a little boy who does all the things at bedtime that little kids do like brushing teeth and putting on pjs. Ryan along with his stuffed monkey Rufus also pray. I like in this story that they have Ryan praying like he’s just talking to God, telling him about his day and thanking God for all the good things that happened that day – instead of what you might expect from a little kid and them asking for lots of things. The story is cute and gives kids a chance to see how to pray, to Thank God for all he does for us. My kids are too old for this book but I think that this book  would be a wonderful gift to a new parent or a parent of a toddler or young child.

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