Rue Crémieux, Paris

By Masfashion

When I travel I am constantly on the Internet or Instagram looking for new places to discover and things to see. I kept seeing Rue Crémieux while looking at photos of Paris and on my trip in October I decided it was time to pay it a visit. It is located in the 12th and is very close the the Gare de Lyon. It is by far the most colorful street in all of Paris. It is quite a short street but it takes a solid 20-30 minutes to take it all in and get that perfect photo! While walking along the pinks and blues you almost feel like you are in Notting Hill, London. All the pastels are a far cry from the historic and neutral (but still beautiful) architecture of Paris. Rue Crémieux  is definitely something I recommend visiting on your second or third visit – after you have seen the other “Paris Musts.”