Ruby Tuesday: Reflecting

By Ronniejt28 @hurtledto60

One of the things I find exciting about reading other blogs is discovering new memes both gardening and photographic.  It was when I visited Lea’s blog at Lea’s Menagerie that I came across  Ruby Tuesday 2 .   This blog, after a bit of peeling away the layers, is one of many written by seasoned blogger Gemma Wiseman in Australia.

From what I can gather Ruby Tuesday 2 provides you with a prompt and anything goes as long as it is red.  If I am wrong, no doubt someone will correct me.

The prompt today is Reflecting. It is on this basis that I took at look at the autumnal photos from the weekend.   It had been raining and there was a lot of reflecting of light on the beautiful russets leaves.   I hope this photo does Ruby Tuesday 2 justice and is in keeping with the prompt.

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