Rubber Houses

By Balancingonhoney @balancinghoney

When I picked this book from the list, I wanted a quick read. Something that I could get through and mark one more book off of my to-do list. What I wasn’t expecting was a story so touching I would have trouble putting it down. It is an easy read in the first place since it is in verse form, but the lay out seemed to enhance the characters experiences and allow me to experience it right there with them.

Rubber Houses

Rubber Houses by Ellen Yeomans is about a normal teenage girl named Kit. She has a loving family and a younger brother whom she shares a specials relationship with. Despite him being 8 years younger then Kit, they both bond over their love for math and baseball.

One day they find out Buddy is sick and has cancer. That is when the family starts to unravel, and you walk with Kit as she experiences pain and loss. Kit and her parents are forced to deal with unimaginable pain of losing Buddy. The book takes you through what this family’s grief and how they slowly pick themselves up after.
