Royal Style Spotlight: Kate Middleton

By Alexa Alfonso @lexlovescouture

Yesterday, Kate Middleton stunned during her introduction of the royal baby. I just adored her pastel blue  polka dot dress. With the exception of a small bump (that all women have after birth!) you would never know she just had a baby. It was a great choice. The dress was very motherly in a chic way and very forgiving. P.S.- Do you think she and Prince William planned to match? Oh, those royal stylists are so clever!

For most women who just went through labor (even Hollywood celebrities) the time when the baby is first born is relatively precious. They leave the hospital, go home, and invite small groups of people to come visit with the baby. If you are Kate Middleton and just gave birth to the child who is third in line to throne, well I guess you just cannot expect that luxury.

I can only imagine what this commotion is like from the baby’s perspective. He is a day old and does not even know where his nose is, but he has the entire world’s eyes on him. There is just so much he does not know.

He does not know that his grandmother, Princess Diana, was a timeless style icon as glamorous as an old Hollywood movie star

The royal baby has not yet learned that his great-grandmother, Queen Elizabeth, is as grumpy as the grumpy cat.

He does not know that his uncle, Prince Harry, is a huge party boy that will definitely make his teenage years a lot  more fun.

The royal baby does not know that his aunt, Pippa Middleton, has a bum that is apparently enviable. He will do some soul-searching in his toddler years trying to figure out the reason why. We are all wondering too Royal Baby No Name, so do not worry if you never figure it out.

He  does know what a big deal it is that his mother Kate, a “commoner”,  is even married to his father Prince William or about all the trouble it was to get there. It really had rom-com potential.  First came love, then came break-up, then came saying “we’re just good friends” because of the grumpy cat queen, THEN came marriage, and now finally we have the baby in the baby carriage. I mean for all the naysayers who wonder why people care so much about the royal baby, look at what they went through to get here!  It is too interesting not to care.

The royal baby does not know that he is in line to the throne and that one day if many many people die he will become King of England!

Most importantly, he does not know that his mum is a style icon who made pregnancy style look effortless (something many others who shall remain nameless have tried and failed). Check out her pregnancy style below.

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Congrats Prince William and Kate Middleton!

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