Royal Selangor Pewter Factory, Kuala Lumpur

By Shalinidigvijay @shalinidigvijay
The Royal Selangor Pewter Factory is a must visit museum in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.It is one of the best known Pewter brands in the world. Even Harry Potter bought a pewter cauldron ,standard size 2 and I'll bet my book case,that that cauldron came from here.A dull gray alloy, that can be shaped to make durable objects and some objets d'art.  A guided tour of the factory reveals its colonial history and how one family and some royal patronage has gone on to shape such  widely exported products.
They export to India too BTW. We were informed by the almost invisible employees of the museum.
Such concentration...
Had i ever toiled with such concentration, i would have cracked the exams of the entire world. All I can garner at the moment -scant scenes from  my English lit class...
Double,double toil and trouble
Fire burn and caldron bubble...

OK, the lady was making beakers...
Passing them on to her neighbor who hammered them so...I so wonder who she was thinking of, when she hammered those even wedges onto the glass?
 We tried the same at the School of Hard Knocks. Just after the museum tour finished.
First the name is hammered onto the pewter disc...I hammered the boys names too. I was missing them.
And you try your best not to hammer your fingers...
Like Sneha here...

While posing for a group  pic. 

 These were stationed at every table...they assume you know how to spell and hammer. These are slim metal rods with letters in reverse. Just like the type writer keys of yore.                                                                                                                           
 Now that very disc is placed on that hole in the wooden block and you hammer away. I will never reveal whose head I was imagining under that pewter disc.

 And finally Smiles.
Shonita found the right use for her pewter disc.
Only it was too small.
We really needed this...
The largest  beer tankard in the world.2796 litres weighing almost 1600kilos. Imagine the size of the hand that will be able to lift such a tankard. Maybe Orion?That was the complete knock.
Collections and souvenirs and objects you can buy here are many. I loved this chess set...but it was way out of my budget.


This chess set is limited edition, from the Lord of The Rings series. Recognise the chess men? There are Hobbit glasses you can drink from and even Smegul/Golum shot glasses to drink from. And you pay for them with INR. Check out the Lord Of The Rings Collections at the Royal Selangor.    
This museum was time and money well spent.Steeped in history, one will never know how many men have given their lives  to mine this dull gray Malaysian treasure.
So what are you visiting today???