By Djridings @fivethingsnow


For the last four years, the Royal Court Theatre's Participation team have been championing the use of current and representative texts and practitioners in the classroom. Working closely with exam boards, and in collaboration with Hamlett Films, the BBC Bitesize GCSE Drama resources were created.

Each module of the Drama GCSE exam (for all exam boards) are included in the online resource which is spilt into the following categories Understanding Drama & Theatre, Performing Characters, Theatre Design, Devising, Scripted Drama and Written Exam, to help the user explore videos and tools featuring Royal Court plays, writers, creatives, staff and young people.

Artists involved include Alex Austin, Michael Buffong, Vicky Featherstone, Jacob Hughes, Charlene James, Duramany Kamara, Simon Longman, Lucy Morrison and Natalie Pryce.

Commenting on the project Vishni Velada-Billson, Head of Participation at the Royal Court Theatre said;

"When we were approached to create resources for BBC Bitesize for GSCE Drama students and teachers it was an absolute no-brainer. Over the last few years The Royal Court Participation team have been working closely with exam boards and teachers to synergise the theatre industry with education, being invited to share and celebrate Royal Court playtexts, practitioners expertise, and artists thinking on such a prolific platform, with direct access to the next generation of theatre makers was an opportunity we were proud to take up. The BBC Bitesize Drama series is a unique space of support and guidance, offering content which reflects upon and interrogates theatre practice. Now, more than ever, we hope many students find it a helpful study aid. We've worked with our colleagues in other parts of the BBC and education experts from around the UK to make sure everyone who needs it can access learning resources during this uncertain time."

The BBC Bitesize films were made in collaboration with Hamlett Films. The Royal Court is a member of the Drama, Theatre and Education Alliance and contributed to the Drama, Theatre and Young People Manifesto.

From 20 April the BBC will be giving students access to regular daily lessons in English and Maths, as well as other core subjects, in an expanded version of this on their website and also on special programmes broadcast on BBC iPlayer and BBC Red Button.