Roy Rogers and Trigger in The Golden Stallion

By Cathyberry

Many happy childhood hours were spent watching Roy, Trigger, and that sassy Queen of the Range - Dale Evans. 

The Golden Stallion has it all - Roy, as handsome and humble as ever, and Dale, riding herd on her cowboy like a good cowgirl should.

Trigger is beautiful, smart, and able to calm a rowdy herd of wild horses with just a toss of his mane....

"Why, he's gonna get along all right with that little filly!"

Just like you, Roy. Just like you.

This movie has everything - adventure, mystery, romance, the beauty of the Wild West, and even a few cowboy songs with The Riders of the Purple Sage. 

Roy Rogers encouraged us all to be honest, and true, to be good friends, and citizens, to feed the animals first, and always honor your ma and pa.

And remember these words of wisdom:

 “Be brave, but never take chances.” – Roy Rogers Riders Club Rules


 For more cowboy inspiration, here's a great blog entitled, Drifting Cowboy....