Rowing: Here Come the Girls

By Girlontheriver @girlontheriver

Last night at the club, the difference between the two sexes couldn’t have been more obvious – or could it?

It's good to talk

First up for land training was the women’s squad. No sooner were we through the door than the talking began (with kit to discuss, relationships to dissect and injuries to compare, there was plenty to say) and there was a fair bit of laughter as we set up the weights. One stray man arriving early carried his erg into the changing room “to protect his ears”.

An hour later, just as we were finishing our stretches, the men arrived. One by one they strode in purposefully and went straight to the erg. No chat. No laughter. All very serious and… manly. No sound but the whooshing of the rowing machine. You could practically smell the testosterone.

It might be tempting to conclude that this is a fine example of the division of the sexes.

Well, maybe, but let me just say this. Don’t be fooled by the frivolous chatter and banter, or even by the make-up and matching kit. Behind the cute exteriors lie hearts of steel (and some rapidly growing muscles). Watch out, boys. Here come the girls.