RoundUp: Peace Out May

By Raymondleejewelers @raymondleejwlrs

TGIF, readers! After a short and sweet work week, I’m still more than ready to get back to weekend-ing. Lilly Pulitzer is calling my name, and I’ve got a summer jewelry wardrobe to update. Not to mention all of the stalking I need to do this weekend – have you seen how great the Couture, JCK and Us Antiques shows coverage is on The Gram? I’m mucho jealous, but it wasn’t in the cards for me this year (Vegas joke.) Next year, hopefully, I’ll be able to share gazoodles of huge diamonds with ya’ll. Luckily (another Vegas joke, I’m stretching and I know it), Lee is there, showing off some of our most ballerest pieces and scooping up large, high quality diamonds like they’re…dammit I ran out of Vegas jokes. Would poker chips suffice? Whatever, he’s buying a ton of them. All the better for us to drool over on Engagement Ring Eye Candy! But here’s what happened this week while I was not in the dessert drinking mojitos.

One of our EGL stones

Interesting angle on the certificate superiority debate.

Poppy wears Pucci

Another wedding that went down last weekend. Equally full of fashion people. Equally over the top. But I’m a sucker for some Poppy Delevigne and I can’t say the same about Mrs. West…

Blue Steel Blue Steel Blue Steel MAGNUM

But back to that first wedding – an interesting look at the mutually beneficial relationship between the headlining designers of the Kimye wedding and the newlyweds. As if there’s any doubt that the klan was kompensated.

At long last, a definitive and easy guide.

Loved Sharon of Brilliance’s breakdown of the difference between the princess cut and radiant cut. Visual aids included.

I still prefer Boston Creme

Of course there’s a world’s most expensive donut. And it ain’t the cronut.

Stack City.

If you liked yesterday’s post about ring stacks, you’ll love Posessionista’s round up of little rings to pile on. And they’re inexpensive #win.

Over on the RLJ blog, I finally shared the truth: ain’t no such thang as a sterling silver Love Bangle. Sorry, I know it’s like ruining Santa.

Also, are you following along with Lee’s adventures in Vegas? Sick diamonds abound on our Instagram.

#rljbling baby!

And speaking of Instagram – RLJ is giving away a David Yurman bracelet next Thursday and there are very few entries – your odds are good my friends.

Have a fantastic weekend everyone, I’ll be back Monday with more blingy goodness and a renewed excitement for The Bachelorette now that a) Craig is gone and b) I know how to make my own gifs.