Round 2: Dallas, Day 5

By Megthamama

At times, I think events happen in my life just so blog posts can be written.

There are somethings that you just can't make up.

Today was pumpkin patch day. So, Katie and I loaded up our pumpkins and drove an hour to the patch.

To speed this up and keep your attention, long story short, I got the rental car stuck in the mud. 

Because Katie and I know what to do in a moment of crisis, we called up the Pumpkin Patch and asked them to send their "manliest" men to come and help us out. 

Once our knights in overalls literally pushed the rental out of the mud we had the perfect day. 

"Hey Jax, sit right here on the hay for Mama."

Dallas did us good, but we were ready to be home. 

Thankgoodness, little buddy is a great traveler and slept, snacked and watched "moo bees" on our ride home. 

We stopped long enough to change a diaper, drive through Chick-fil-A and get back on course. Thank the Lard for an iPod and a rental car that you can allow your child to eat in. For the blog record, little Buddy is only allowed water in my car. 

The drive home was smooth sailing, but the drive from Jackson to our driveway seemed like 298, 3976 miles.  I was thrilled to see our hood and the 1,000 kids in it Trick-or-Treating.